It's as if none of them wanted to be there. They're the ghosts of what we saw in the original film, the acting completely lifeless. It's upsetting that, despite having many of the same scenes and lines as their original characters, everyone in the cast feels so disconnected from the script that they utterly fail to bring any of their characters to life. They feel like strangers and it doesn't help that all of them seem to be acting as if they're in completely different films-the disconnect is that apparent. I simply couldn't buy that any of them would take off for a weekend together, much less have known one another for years, as is the case for at least two of the characters. It literally feels as if they pulled random strangers off the streets and asked them to make-believe they were friends for a weekend. It's not that any one particular actor is singularly bad, it's that none of them feel like they're in the same movie. What sets this remake apart from it's 2002 predecessor is the lack of any chemistry between the actors. I'm sad to say it fails to live up to the original in nearly every regard. I'll go on the record saying I -wanted- to like this film, despite some unease after watching the trailer. Despite this seemingly pointless exercise, I was prepared to give it a chance and not hate it for failing to aspire to anything original.

While not a shot-for-shot remake (the angles and cinematography are different), this remake uses the same script as the 2002 original with slight alterations.